Reuben Canagaratnam

I wanted to thank you for making photography somewhat easier. I have subscribed to your tutorials and I find them very easy to learn and understand. Being very busy with work, they allow me to learn at my own pace.


What you are doing for the photography community is really commendable and I applaud your dedication and passion; I enjoy your live sessions and photo tips. I often do not have the time to watch you live due to time difference and work commitment, but I make it a point to catch up with all your videos. If I may suggest, perhaps you can export all your video chats into your site for the subscribers to access from one platform, so they all can be in one place. Also, I want to give you some feedback and I am sure many may be in my plight too. I travel quite a bit for work and i’d like to be able to download your tutorial videos to my iPad so I can continue to follow along offline. Most of the time, I will have downtime during flight and airports and it will be good to learn during that time.


Recently I took a trip to Africa and I used some of the learning from your tutorials, and came back with some amazing shots. I was very proud of my improvements in knowledge and technique. I am still far away from being great but I am determined to learn slowly but surely.


Continue your great work and thanks for being a mentor for so many.

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